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Concrete Statue Cleaning & Maintenance

Cleaning Concrete Statues

If you have concrete figurines, statues, or any other kind of ornamental concrete around your home, you will no doubt want to keep them looking their best. To do that, you need to be aware of some substances that can discolor your concrete statues. Let's look at some of them.

Algae & Mold

One of the enemies of your concrete statues looking their best is mold and mildew. Algae grows where light is not plentiful and there is an abundance of moisture. But there are places in your garden where you have your statues that are conducive to mold and other algae. Controlling these pesky growths is simply a matter of using a mold remover on the statue. This will only remove the mold and mildew but also slow the growth of new algae.

Dirt & Stains

Other types of discoloring agents also demand your attention when it comes to caring for your lawn statues. Dust, dirt and grime need to be celanedoff so that your once prized ornament does not turn into an unrecognizable blob of concrete. Using a strong stain remover assists you in keeping statues free of dirt, dust, and grime that is unsightly.

Sealing Helps Statues Resist Discoloring

One of the biggest things you can do help your concrete statues resist mold, mildew and other discoloring agents that develop in moist environments is treat the statue with a sealer that repels water rather than letting the moisture to penetrate the pores of the concrete and stay there. Sealer slows the absorption rate of the concrete statue and less water makes its way into the concrete.

Regardless of what your statue represents, there are steps that you can take to make the growth of moss, mold, and mildew slower. And by using strong stain remover to clean the statue, you will be able to keep your concrete ornamental pieces looking their best.

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